On a recent ‘political’ issue of the American television show ‘30 Rock,’ the U.S. Presidential election was decided by a group of relaxed, beer-drinking, partying Florida residents whose slogan was “Unwindulax!”
After the rancor of the election, I’m sure most of us are due for an unwindulax-ing vacation of mind and body. But how to do this in an eco-friendly, healthy manner?
Here’s a short list of tips:
- Don’t take yourself too seriously, or your vacation plans. Some of my favorite moments in life have happened when my car broke down (see this post), or the bus broke down in the middle of the Chinese countryside and I had to hitchhike to my destination (ultimately, I caught a ride with a Chinese trucker, sitting in the front cab with my overstuffed backpack on my lap!).
- Offset your carbon emissions through the Terra Pass program, which funds a number of green initiatives worldwide.
- Travel with friends—there’s nothing more eco-friendly than sharing a room at a local hostel.
- Consider WWOOFing your way around the world.
- Travel lightly (for more on how to do this in style, read Guest Blogger Amy’s post here). Of course, traveling light applies to both the physical and the psychological.
This article on the ‘Post-Election Blues‘ also offers a good reminder: Win or lose, put aside your politics, look beyond external events we give power over us and take stock: What’s good in your world? Do you dig how beautiful it is out here?